The most common issue with broken and malfunctioning window cranks is trouble opening or closing your window. In the majority of cases, when you try to crank the window open or closed, you will hear a clicking or grinding sound when turning the handle. This means that the gears inside the mechanism are stripped and are no longer working properly.

There are several reasons why the mechanism stops working. One of the most common ones is when people try to force the opening of a window while the top lock of the window is still engaged. This will strip the gears and break the mechanism. Another cause can be the settling of your house, which can cause the window frame to warp and put additional strain on the crank and its gears. No matter what the cause, Window Repair GTA’s window crank repair services are the solution to your problem.

Call 647-693-5323

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Call 647-693-5323


The process of a window crank repair basically consists of three steps:
Assessment: First off, we assess the job to gather all the necessary details, such as the type of repair required, the type, make and model of the window and crank, as there are many different kinds. This will allow us to prepare our estimate for you.

Preparation: This is the step where you receive our estimate of the project costs, together with information about the required materials and labour. We will answer any questions or concerns you may have about the estimate. Once both sides agree, we go ahead with the gathering of the necessary top-quality materials and assigning a team.

Execution: Now, our professional technicians will come to your home to perform the repairs. They will carry out all required tasks diligently and efficiently to fix the problem as quickly and conveniently as possible.

Call today at 647-693-5323 for a free, no-obligation estimate to find out how we can assist you with your window crank repairs!

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